
Montag, 20. Juli 2020

[ #sachwissen ] Computer Science Unplugged - Informatik ohne Rechner für Volksschüler

Trockentraining: Ein Informatik-Förder- und Studienprogramm für Kinder im Grundschulalter ohne PC.

Das Buch vermittelt wichtige Fragestellungen und Methoden der Informatik. Grundlegende Konzepte der Informatik werden spielerisch und ohne die Hilfe von Computern vermittelt. Das Buch beweist, dass auch ohne die Verwendung eines PCs es möglich ist, das “logische” Verständnis für Computer Wissenschaften grundlegend zu vermitteln. Es richtet sich an Volksschullehrer. Zielgruppe des Buchs sind insbesondere auch Schülerinnen und Schüler.

Die Autoren haben besonderen Wert darauf gelegt, die Themen anschaulich und mit einfachen Mitteln darzustellen. Die Themengebiete umfassen dabei z.B. Algorithmen, Automaten, Fehlerkorrekturverfahren, Graphen, Kryptographie, etc. Das kostenlose Buch für Volksschullehrer zur Anwendung bei Kindern im Volks-/Grundschulalter gibt es in englischer, deutscher, französischer, spanischer, italienischer, portugiesischer, polnischer und russischen Sprache.

 [Schülerclub #Dornbirn ]⇒ 

Lohnt sich ein Download?
Ein Blick auf den Inhalt: 
Einleitung  I
Danksagung II
Daten: der Rohstoff - Informationsspeicherung 1
Punkte zählen - Binärzahlen 3
Malen nach Zahlen - Bilddarstellung  14
Wiederhol das bitte! - Textkompression  23
Kartentrick-Fehler finden und beseitigen  32
Zwanzig Fragen - Informationstheorie  39

Other Languages

Chapters from the book has been translated into many languages. Where only one or two chapters have been translated, they can be obtained from the relevant page for the activity. The following languages have substantial translations of a version of the book. (Note that the book has changed since it was first released in the 1990s, and not all translations correspond to the same version.)

Activities 1 and 2 are available separately in Arabic on their respective pages, and together in a single PDF here. The first ten activities are available here.
Bahasa Indonesia
The activities have been translated into Bahasa Indonesia by Hatma Suryotrisongko and students at the Information Systems Department, Faculty of Information Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. A full PDF is available, as well as a zip file of the Word and PDF versions of each activity.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Parts I to IV of the book have been translated for Bosnia and Herzegovina. The source fileis also available.
Chinese (Simplified)
A Simplified Chinese version has been published by HUST press.
Chinese (Traditional)
Translations for some activities from 2006/2007 are available on the individual activity pages. A full translation of the 2016 book by Franklin Weng is available as CSUnplugged-2016-03-08, and the source is available via github.
The first half of the book has been translated into Dutch. You can find more on
François Rechenmann at INRIA has produced a French translation for Interstices web site. The teacher version of the book is available from the Interstices site.
Samuel Chalifour has produced a “Replugged” version of the book (in French), available as an interactive iBook, also via iTunes. The first 13 activities are currently available.
A German translation of the first 5 activities is available here, translated by Maexl Stege of Limburgerhof in Germany. In collaboration with SPARCS (Solving Problems with Algorithms, Robots, and ComputerS), Department of Computer Science, University of Victoria, Canada, Maexl is translating the remaining activities. Please send any comments regarding this translation to An adaptation of Unplugged material in German from the Hasso-Plattner-Institut (Universität Potsdam), which covers many of the activities, can be found here.
Jacqueline Staub (at ETH Zurich) has produced a German translation of the
Binary Numbers activity and the Sorting Algorithms.
Arno Liegmann (at ETH Zurich) has produced a German translation of the Searching Algorithms, Sorting Network and Orange Game activities.
Translations of each activity are available on the individual activity pages.
A Hebrew translation of the Unplugged activities is in progress. The activities are being posted on a blog as they are completed. The work is being done by Shimon Schocken and Benny Chor.
Translations of each activity are available on the individual pages. There is a Hungarian website available.
A Bahasa Indonesia version is being developed by Hatma Suryotrisongko; currently chapter 1 is available: unpluggedTeachersDec2008-edit_indonesia.
An Italian version (updated January 2016) is available for download: csunplugged-it.2015.1.0.
A Japanese version is available on A Japanese version of an earlier teachers’ edition (Activities 1-12) is available here, and all activities are available here.
A Korean version is available from BookWall or Yes24 or Kyobobook.
Korean versions of the videos are available here. Several other Korean translations exist. A free online version by Kwangchun Lee is available at, and the GitHub repository for this version is available at .
A Lithuanian version is available here. Translation has been done by Valentina Dagienė and Eglė Jasutė.
Persian (Farsi)
Persian (Farsi) version by Hamed Mohebbi and Erfaneh Mohebbi at Fatemi Cultural Institute, Tehran, IRAN. Translations are currently available for Binary Numbers, Image Representation and Text Compression.
Translations of each activity are available on the individual activity pages.
Portuguese – Brazil
A Portuguese (Brazil) version is available for download here.
A Russian version is available for download here, provided by
Derevyanko Irina Aleksandrovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (Computer Science), Podolsk, Moscow, Russia.
The “Marching Orders” activity is available.
A Slovenian version is available for download here.
A Spanish version is available for download here.
The translation has been done by Alfonso Rodriguez (iCarnegie, Pittsburgh, PA),
Lorena Mendoza (Pittsburgh, PA) and Clara Eugenia Garza (IIMAS UNAM
Ciudad de Mexico).
A Swedish version is available for download here (chapters 1 to 8).
Swedish versions of the videos are available here.
Translations of each activity are available on the individual pages.

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